Friday, May 29, 2009

Xup in Manchester

I've been playing live drums at gigs for my friend's solo project 'Xup' for a while now - we used to be in Wolfie together and it's good to keep up with playing the drums - I think out of every instrument I've had a go at, drumming is the most fun - it's kinda like dancing while sitting down. Actually, singing might be more fun, but drumming is a close second. Anyway, this weekend we went up to Manchester for a gig.

Ms Xup herself and Oliver (guitar player in Xup) had headed up the day before, so I caught the coach and slept most of the way as I always seem to on coaches and trains. The venue was a bit dingy but outside the streets of Manchester were sunny, loud, vibrant and predominantly full of gay men drinking and (for some reason) line dancing. I had a wander and a drink, Manchester is nice and though I've played there three or four times now I never seem to recognise where I am. In an effort not to get lost I was wandering around trying to follow my sat nav... I felt a bit stupid but it did seem to work. I met up with Oliver and we had a drink and a chat in the sun. He's a really good guy.

Down into the darkness and extreme smelliness of Retro Bar we played our set, which went ok, though the sound on stage was terrible. Also the drum kit was HUGE... a crazy over-sized one kindly lent by the headliners 'Elvis In Disguise', who turned out to be absolutely great - Elvis covers complete with lip-curling and knicker-throwing. Then there was more drinking, then there was dancing and eventually there was going back to someone's hotel for even more drinking. The next morning I staggered into the sunlight and tried to eat some fried eggs, then Oliver picked me up and drove me back to London. It was a good trip and I met some great people.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Lost Cavalry

So, since February I've been hiding myself away, working with my new band, who I can now reveal as... The Lost Cavalry. So far, there's four of us, and the nice thing is that they're all friends who I've been in band with before - Nick from my uni band 'Amber', Oliver from Xup and Dave from my first ever band at school. I'm playing mainly guitar, uke and concertina and most importantly - I'm singing too.

Our first gig was last night at a bar in Camden - we'd been keeping it quiet to see how it went, but it was a definite success so now we're ready to unleash ourselves into the world! ;-)

So expect some demos and photos on a new web site and myspace very soon...